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In truth, most people don’t know what they want.

My purpose as a coach is to bring to light what the client authentically wants in their life and to identify the obstacles in their way. Curiosity and challenge are the main tools of this process. The result is more aliveness, whatever the client’s destination.

Once a person has uncovered some clarity on what they really want, not what they should want, a course of action usually reveals itself.

I’m indebted to the creative exploration and emotional openings of the process I’ve had as an actor. I get to pass it on.

I am grateful for this opportunity… of opening people up to themselves.


Coaches Training Institute, San Rafael, Ca., 2002-2003

C.P.C.C., Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

C.I.F.,Coaches International Federation, member 2004-2006

C.D.C., Certified Dream Coach, Marcia Weider, Belvedere, Ca., 2006

Purpose Coaching, Tim Kelly, Belvedere, Ca. 2005

Coaches Training Institute, Leadership Program. 10 months, 2003

Choice-Point Coaching, private clients and seminars, 2003-present

Authentic Power and Presentation Skills for Camera and Speaking:

Weingart Salvation Army Youth Center, Hollywood, Ca, 2005

Fox River Day School, Chicago, Ill., 2005

Disney Television, Auckland, N.Z., 2006

Life-Coach/Acting Teacher, New York Film Academy, Burbank, Cal., 2005-present